Kashmir Freedom March: Thousands protest outside Indian High Commission in London

Participants call for New Delhi to lift curfew, end human rights violations in IOK

People come out in their droves to support the Kashmiri freedom struggle. PHOTO: TWITTER/(@AmiruddinMughal)

Thousands of Londoners attended on Tuesday the "Kashmir Freedom March" to protest against New Delhi's strong-arm tactics in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK).

The demonstrators marched from London's Parliament Square towards the Indian High Commission in show of their solidarity with the people of IOK, which has been on lockdown for a month now.

Participants assembled outside the diplomatic mission called for New Delhi to lift the curfew and end human rights violations in the Himalayan valley.

Footage of the march went viral on social media with #KashmirFreedomMovement trending on Twitter as users shared videos and photos of the massive turn out in support of Kashmiris.

New Delhi has cut off the occupied territory from the rest of the world with an information blockade enforced upon its eight million residents.

Not only the international community but voices inside India have also condemned the Indian government stripping IOK of its special status.

Thousands of people have been injured during protests inside the valley since August 5.

Pakistan has downgraded its diplomatic relations with the neighbour, as well as, enforcing a trade embargo. It has also raised the issue on the international stage with the United Nations condemning the Indian move.
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