Adnan Sami and Aamir Liaquat are competing for worst Twitter comebacks

It all started when the singer said Kashmir is a beautiful place in India

Adnan Sami has managed to retain his position as being one of the most controversial figures in Pakistan's pop culture history. Given his magical voice, coupled with conflicting disposition surrounding his former nationality, Sami has worn his disputes all his life. However, when one controversial figure collides with another, things turn out drastically disturbing and awkward.

Aamir Liaqat Hussain has also maintained his spotlight by being called out for various problematic statements, but this time he is embroiled in a Twitter exchange with Sami. He replied to one of Sami’s twitter responses about Kashmir and Abhinandan, the Wing Commander was captured in Pakistan after his jet was downed by the PAF.

It all began with Sami's tweet in Marbella when a twitter user who questioned him regarding his stance on Kashmir to which he said it’s one of the beautiful parts of India.

"Yes. It’s one of the beautiful parts of India," the singer wrote.

To his response, another Twitter user added to the mockery leading to a dialogue concerning Abhinandan and the tea he had in Pakistan. Sami did not refrain from lashing back with the Indian proclaimed view of Abhinandan’s achievements leading to an exchange of sarcastic potshots.

"Yes. He went. Shot an F-16 down; Had a cup of tea, came back. Got a ‘Vir Chakra’- Cool!" wrote Sami.

The following thread caught Hussain’s attention after which he took things into his own hands and listed down a number of long-held grudges against Sami, calling him a traitor. Hussain went as far as calling him a fool:

"Yes. He went shot his identity and spit on the graves of his forefathers, had a betrayal drink. Got hatred from Pakistan. Fool ," said Liaquat.

However poorly versed, the remark fueled the singer to the pits of his stomach which became evident after his response to Hussain that became a matter of public mockery.

The fact that Khan decided to compare Hussain’s existence to a’ pimple’ was extremely disturbing and awkward as he continued to comment on his mental capabilities by calling him an ‘unimaginative molecule of a mind’.

Khan continued to attack Hussain’s entire life, accusing him of taking credit for other people’s work to seek validation for his insignificant self.

"Only a pimple of an existence like that would derive this from its unimaginative pedestrian molecule of a mind which is why you lead a pathetic life eating off others name in order to seek validation of your otherwise non consequential self! Enjoy!" Sami continued.

"Only an abscess filled with the pus of hatred and narcissism would’ve to write gibberish all the time to seek validation & prove his patriotism all the time, your TL is more about Pakistan than your ownself so we all know who is living a pathetic life.I know you’re undercover," The TV personality fired back.

The entire argument seemed to add no value to either the issue of Kashmir, or to the conflicts concerning Abhinandan, or for that matter, the lives of these celebrities.

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