Intelligent women can fall for unhealthy relationships: study

Research suggests high-performing women are actually more likely to become "addicted" to toxic men than others


Ever wonder why your best friend is dating some "loser" in your eyes who doesn't treat her nearly as well as you know she deserves? Or why your colleague whose shoes you dream of filling someday comes to the office every morning complaining about her husband's absolutely cringe-worthy behaviors?

How in the world did these smart, successful women end up in such toxic relationships? Well, research says that these types of women are actually more likely to become "addicted" to toxic men than others, reported Business Insider.

In other words, the people you'd never expect to fall for those who treat them horribly are usually the ones who do. So why do women with such high standards in seemingly every other aspect of their lives can accept a toxic relationship? It's a lot more complicated than you'd think and in the end, it has next to nothing to do with weaknesses after all.


High-performance women are willing to put in the work

Successful women are successful because they've put in the work. They know that commitment reaps rewards and they apply that same attitude in their relationships. "Generally, you will transfer this understanding without even thinking about it — that chances are if you work hard on your relationships, they're going to be good," psychologist and executive coach Perpetua Neo told INSIDER.

"Add that together with empathy and it can be really difficult because you start to tax yourself with trying to understand why he is the way he is."


Toxic men tend to target powerful women

Successful women aren't weak. According to experts, they are targets for all the wrong reasons that are usually the opposite of this notion. "It's a common misconception that these men go for weak women; it's quite the opposite — these pathologically self-centered guys want a strong woman who has a lot to give," writes Huff Post contributor and founder and CEO of Date Like a Grownup, Bobbi Palmer.

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So why do narcissistic men prey on powerful women? Palmer says it's because these types of men look for women who can constantly stroke their "surprisingly fragile" egos. They also want someone "steady and strong" they can count on to take care of them — particularly someone empathetic to attend to their "child-like needs" and someone smart who they can prove they're even smarter.

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