Nine-year-old girl sues all boys' choir for gender discrimination

The Berlin administrative court says the girl auditioned in March and was rejected


A nine-year-old girl who was rejected by one of Germany's most renowned boys' choir is suing the group for gender discrimination. Yes, you read that right! An administrative court in Berlin is set to review the lawsuit today.

The case has sparked a national debate on equal rights versus artistic freedom. Founded in 1465 by Frederick II, Elector of Brandenburg, the State and Cathedral Choir has not selected a single female in its over 554 years of existence. The young girl initially auditioned with the Berlin choir in March but was rejected.

PHOTO: Reuters

According to the court, the choir contends that the rejection was not predominantly about her gender and that she would have been successful had her voice matched the desired sound characteristics of a boys' choir. The troupe has also claimed to be skeptical about being able to work with the girl's parents.

The nine-year-old's mother had brought the complaint on her daughter's behalf and said that the rejection was discriminatory in an impermissible way and infringes upon her right to equal opportunities from an institution receiving state funds.


The girl's lawyer, Susann Braecklein said that her young client applied to the choir in 2016 and 2018, respectively. She was rejected both times without being offered an audition.

The dean of the music faculty at Berlin's University of the Arts, with which the choir is affiliated, informed the nine-year-old in writing that a girl will never sing in a boys' choir.


Today, the choir is part of Berlin’s publicly funded University of the Arts (UdK) and provides training to 250 choirboys and 75 young men under the age of 25.

Nevertheless, she was invited for an audition in March, only to be rejected again and to be told that she had neither the motivation nor the talent required to join the choir. The case has generated heated debated across German media regarding tradition, culture, talent and musicology versus gender equality.


It has also rekindled debate over the traditional view in the classical music world that anatomical differences give the voices of pre-pubescent boys a “purity” most girls cannot match.

Those siding with the choir argue that the importance lies in the tone, not talent. Mixing the boys choir with females would end its traditional sound, they argue. Such views have come under challenge from academic studies and music professionals in recent years.


Last December, British Soprano Lesley Garrett claimed that this was all nonsense, contending that, “Girls’ voices are just as pure, just as sweet and just as sonorous”.

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