Fitness First: Aalé Mowjee

Aale Mowjee on her fitness philosophy

Aalé Mowjee quit her corporate job at L’Oreal to follow her passion for fitness. Through her fitness blog on Instagram ‘absolutelyaale’, she aims to inspire South Asian women to be their happiest and healthiest version as she wishes to help them adapt a healthy lifestyle and achieve their fitness goals. She spills the beans on her fitness philosophy, three things in her diet she can’t go a day without and so much more!

How would you describe your fitness philosophy?

Train dirty, eat clean. When you’re in the gym give it your all, when you’re out of the gym remember all that hard work and don’t negate that by neglecting your diet.

What inspired you to become a fitness blogger?

When my husband and I were dating he was a regular gym goer. I couldn’t match the early mornings, so we started training together in the evenings as an activity to do together. It turned out I really enjoyed it and decided to share my fitness journey with others.

Three things in your diet you can’t go a day without?

Coffee (ristretto, no milk).

Eggs (of any description, but desi omelette is my favourite!)

Cherries and berries (blue, ras, or straw!)

What’s your typical day like?

It varies. However I find time to focus on trying to improve myself in some way every day. This varies from challenging myself at the gym, learning a new recipe or reading about a topic to further my understanding of it. The other thing I do every day is be thankful for everything and everyone in my life because when you have a positive mind-set, it’s difficult to have a bad day!

What is the most effective fitness routine according to you?

Isolate and supplement with cardio. Work out a different body part each time you train in the gym and try to focus on resistance exercises with weights and machines. This will tone the muscles and also your body will keep burning fat even when you’re not training as it repairs. Also try to get in two or three sessions of running/biking/rowing each week to keep your cardiovascular fitness up and help with fat burn. You need to do both to see real results.

Your favourite foods to eat on a cheat day?

I don’t think of a day as a cheat day. Allow yourself a little break from a rigorous diet whenever you feel like it but in moderation. A little bit of dark chocolate after dinner. One slice of pizza with a light salad, instead of two or three slices, a few french fries with your steak. If you don’t enjoy your food, you will resent training.

Advice you’d give to people looking to attain a healthier lifestyle?

Don’t be put off by the “fit” people in the gym. It can be daunting but everyone has to start somewhere and no one was born fit and muscular without hard work. Don’t follow an incredibly strict diet/routine that you cannot maintain and don’t focus on short term results. Whatever you do, make it regular and sustainable, so set realistic goals and build from there.

What are some common fitness misconceptions?

Weight training does not make you bulky! Carbs are not bad for you! They are a necessity and you should eat the right type at the right times. Less sleep does not make you a more impressive person! Your body recovers when it sleeps, so listen to your body and get rest and repair.

How is your fitness mantra different from others?

Keep it simple. Avoid white carbs, refined sugars and fried foods. Work your arms, back, legs on different days and try to run a little. Even better if you can tie it into your routine, maybe run to work, or stop at the gym on the way back from the school run. Finally get in your protein, we forget this too often. Aim for at least 1g for every kg of body weight, if you work hard your body needs it.