RCB fails to regularise hydrants

RCB failure gives room to people for private water tanker business


Apart from failing to provide sufficient water supplies to its residents, the Rawalpindi Cantonment Board (RCB) has also failed in regularising some 50 water hydrants in its jurisdiction.

Hence, this failure has given room to people operating private water tanker business as they are busy making hay while the sun shines.

The residents are compelled to fork out sums up to Rs7,000 for procuring a fully sized water tanker to fulfill their needs.

It has been learned that water supply from Khanpur dam and regularized tube-wells is insufficient to even satisfy needs of 50% population.

To cope with dwindling water supplies, the residents have turned to private boring which is also an expensive process but the administration has decided to impose tax on extracting groundwater.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 9th, 2019
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