Balochistan announces Rs126 billion for PSDP

PSDP to include 1,796 new and 665 ongoing development schemes

Balochistan Assembly. PHOTO: EXPRESS

Balochistan government has announced Rs126 billion for 2,461 new and ongoing development schemes under the Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP).

According to the PSDP documents, the provincial government has included 1,796 new and 665 ongoing development schemes in the programme announced in 2019-20 budget.

A priority has been given to education, commutation, health, public health engineering, local government, law and order, urban planning and development.

The highest allocation of Rs24,610.75 million has been made for 581 new development schemes in the communication sector and second highest allocation of Rs12,678. 45 million has been made for 284 development schemes of education sector.

The provincial government will spent RS. 12,213.85 millions on 574 development schemes in public health engineering department for supplying drinking water to the people who are facing shortage of water since long.

In the next financial year, the government would spend Rs.8201. 78 million on 113 new development schemes while it has allocated Rs3,518.28 million for the 19 development schemes in the agriculture sector.

The government has allocated Rs2,164.16 million for the 114 local governments’ related development schemes .Industries sector will get Rs862.15 million for implementing 16 development schemes.

The provincial government will spent Rs3,662.60 million on 70 development schemes under urban planning and development department. An amount of Rs1,632. 5 million has been allocated for 34 schemes of social welfare department.

The mineral sector will get Rs223.54 for its seven development projects proposed in the budget. Rs108,114.84 million would be spent on new development schemes. This would include Rs12,742.48 million which would be spent on schemes which were not identified in the previous PSDP.

For 665 going development schemes, the provincial government has allocated Rs43,502.26 million and the highest amount of Rs7,970.84 will be spent on the completion of 103 schemes while another amount of Rs.7628.21 million will go for completion of 165 ongoing schemes of communication sector.
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