Allen Nause: ‘Playing’ cultural envoy

Portland’s Allen Nause will direct a play in Pakistan.


Allen Nause, the director for Artists Repertory, a theatre company in Portland, has come all the way from the US as a cultural envoy to direct Usama Qazi’s upcoming production called “The Odd Couple”. The production is essentially a comic play by American playwright Neil Simon and was first presented on the Broadway in 1965.

Nause, who has taken up the initiative on the request of the American Embassy based in Islamabad, was in Karachi on the evening of July 23, to meet theatre performers, directors, producers and theatre aficionados. He has appeared in feature films like Frances, The Runner Stumbles and Gathering Evidence.

The Express Tribune grabbed the opportunity of having an in-depth discussion with the actor about his passion for theatre and his views on the standards of theatre in Pakistan.

What is your opinion on theatre in Pakistan?

I first travelled to Pakistan in 1991 and I remember I was highly impressed by Sheema Kermani’s theatre activism relating to Tehrik-i-Niswan (Movement of Women). It was a joy to watch the way the play presented by her group. Then I came to Pakistan in 1997 and again, it was great to see and be part of the Second International Theatre and Dance Festival arranged by the Rafi Peer Theatre Workshop.

Although the culture here is different, the theatre productions are exotic and beautifully done. In terms of quality also, there is some really powerful work going on. I have been very impressed so far.

So currently you are here in Pakistan to direct a play by Usama Qazi’s company Lush. Please share details about this project

I will be directing a well-known American comedy play by Neil Simon ‘The Odd Couple’.  It’s a story about two friends who are both divorced. Through their friendship, they eventually realise that differences arising due to conflicting personalities can be settled without making compromises. The play holds a lot of relevance in today’s world.

When does the play run in Islamabad and how did you find the performances of the Pakistani actors?

The dates for the play, I believe, fall between July 12 and July 17. As for the answer to the latter question, they are amateur actors; they are not full-time actors but they are extremely talented. They’re just fabulous. It’s all group work at the end of the day. Though the play is based on just two characters, everyone has played an important role in putting this play together.

You have appeared in a few feature films and directed one called Zig Zag.  What has your experience been like  as a film actor and director?

Theatre is where my heart is. I like every part of the stage – the live acting, the audience,everything and I also love to groom the amateur talent in theatre.

As far as films are concerned, there are three more to be released shortly in which I have acted. These include River Why, Bucksville and Not Dead Yet.

What are your plans once you are back in your homeland?

Once I go back to Portland, I will be acting in a Harold Pinter stage play ‘No Man’s Land’. Opposite me will be William Hart.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 27th, 2011.
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