Balochistan Govt on track to completing 450 development projects: CM

Kamal refutes claims of rifts within BAP; calls Bizenjo integral to party

CM Balochistan Jam Kamal Khan. PHOTO: EXPRESS

Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan claimed the provincial government is utilising all  available resources to complete the 450 pending development projects worth more than Rs32 billion.

The chief minister while talking to a private news channel said that for the first time in the history of Balochistan, any provincial government is seriously working on developing the minerals sector. He further added that his government is also taking steps towards revamping legislations and lawmaking at the provincial level.

“Rekodik was the only project in Balochistan that is feasible and existing on ground but evident information is yet to be emerged regarding hearsays on other projects,” said the chief minister.

Talking on the closure of atomic scientist Dr. Samar Mubarak’s project CM Balochistan said more than Rs1 billion was spent on Mubarak’s project but the project was shut down after only two or three months of progress.

“Sindh Government with the help of experts and consultants continued coal project in Thar coal field and producing electricity successfully,” said Kamal.

Balochistan CM vows to complete 450 development projects

Replying to a query, regarding the government’s efforts to steer out Balochistan from financial crisis, the chief minister said that instead of appearing on media, the cabinet has been working on developing effective policies. “Printing PSDP book might a piece of cake but implementation on PSDP is like face the music.”

“Current government has expedited progress on education, health, infrastructure related project in the better interest of people of Balochistan,” he said accusing the previous governments of focusing on new projects instead of completing the ones pending since the last 15 years.

Kamal also refuted claims of rifts inside the ruling Balochistan Awami Party (BAP), he said BAP has given freedom of expression to all leaders and workers and that difference of opinion is part of politics.

“Abdul Qudus Bizenjo is an integral part of our party and his opinions are very importance within our party,” he said.
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