Russian envoy offers to help resolve Karachi's water woes

CG hopes to strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries

CG hopes to strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries. PHOTO: FILE

The Consul-General of Russian Federation in Karachi, Aleksandr G Khozin, said that maintaining international peace and security is one of the priorities of Russian foreign policy.

Russia's stance today is based on the recognition of its responsibility for universal security and global stability, along with promoting national interests.

Being a nuclear power and a permanent member of the United Nations' Security Council, Russia has its own duties, said Khozin while speaking at a dinner reception hosted by the Consulate at a local hotel to celebrate the Day of Russia.

The reception was attended by diplomats, businessmen, industrialists, high government officials, and elites of the city.

Karachi’s water woes

Khozin said that throughout history, Russia had gathered a lot of experience, particularly when it came to those lessons of the 20th century that emphasised on a balanced policy in international affairs.
"We are trying to work with all global partners. We introduce our proposals on how to enhance predictability and trust in the field of international security," he said.

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The Russian envoy added that the increasing interaction between Russia and Pakistan on regional and international issues as well as in bilateral dealings enjoyed an independent value. He said his country welcomed Pakistan's joining the Shanghai Corporation Organisation (SCO) in 2017 as a full-fledged member. And, that Pakistan played a significant role in the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure, particularly in moving forward the anti-narcotics cooperation. The exchange of teachers and students of the organisation in anti-narcotics field would be an important move.

In 2018, many contacts were made between the Russian and Pakistani governments at different levels in connection with celebrating 70 years of diplomatic relations between both the countries. Both the governments expressed their satisfaction on level of relations based on the principles of equality, mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests as well as the constructive nature of their cooperation in global affairs. The two sides re-affirmed to consistently furthering bilateral political dialogue and expanding practical cooperation in diverse areas including counter-terrorism, trade, economy and other areas of interest, he said, according to a press release.

The Russian Consul-General said trade and economic partnership were truly important aspects of Russia's interaction with Pakistan. In 2018, bilateral trade was around $732 million; which was 191m higher than that of 2017. However, he said, it was much lower than the real potential of the economic cooperation.

He referred to the visit of the trade delegation from St Petersburg, Russia, led by its Vice Governor Sergey Movchan and the signing of the road-map with Sindh government in October 2017, which aimed at the realisation of joint projects in the fields of industry, trade, education, science and culture till 2021.

Khozin mentioned that Pakistani partners were mostly interested in creating light industry cluster on the territory of St Petersburg like the creation of Pakistani Trade House. There was also prospect of cooperation in solving water supply, sewage and water purification problems in Karachi.

He urged the Pakistani business community, especially in Karachi, to actively be involved in putting the plans into practice. "Our joint efforts are all for the good of mutually beneficial Russia-Pakistan relations," he asserted.

Sindh Senior Minister for Work, Services and Irrigation, Syed Nasir Hussain Shah said that Pakistan welcomed Russia's growing global engagement and would remain keen to continue consultations and coordination with Russia on international and regional issues.

Pakistan and Russia have been long-standing friends with a special and privileged strategic partnership. "We also seek strong cooperation with Russia for broad-based and mutually beneficial economic growth and development in the region," said Shah.
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