Hazaras call off Quetta sit-in on CM’s assurances

Jam Kamal Khan promises grieving families that justice will be served

A young Pakistani mourner of the Shia Hazara ethnic minority shout slogan as she sits-in during a protest in Quetta on April 15, 2019, PHOTO: AFP

The Hazara community has called off its sit-in on the Western Bypass after four days on the assurances of Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan that justice will be served.

Addressing the sit-in late on Monday, Chief Minister Kamal said, “Everyone has struggled to make the province peaceful.”

The CM was accompanied by State Minister for Interior Shehryar Khan Afridi and National Assembly Deputy Speaker Qasim Suri.

“Whether it’s Muharramul Haram or security of pilgrims, the government has displayed a better performance,” said Kamal. “People have sacrificed a lot for peace.”

PM Imran to visit Quetta on April 18, as Hazara community sit-in enters fourth day

Kamal informed the participants of the sit-in that Prime Minister Imran Khan has issued especial directives for provision of security to the pilgrims.

“Looking at the seriousness of the situation, we have come to resolve the issues,” said the CM.

Prime Minister Imran has already announced he will visit the bereaved families of the Hazar Ganji market attack victims on April 18. The premier will also attend a high-level meeting on peace and security during his visit to the provincial capital.

Addressing the sit-in, Tahir Khan Hazara said, “We were given assurances in the past that nothing of this sort would happen again. Our demands are not unconstitutional.”

Hazaras continue sit-in for third day

On last Friday, a suicide bomber detonated his vest laden with explosives inside a vegetable market at Hazar Ganji in Quetta, in which 21 people, including 10 Hazaras and two Frontier Corps personnel, were martyred.

It is said that the target was the Hazara community members. They have since then staged a sit-in on the Western Bypass demanding implementation of the National Action Plan and arrest of the perpetrators.
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