RIC to get new CT scan machine by next month

Angiography room to be converted into a hybrid operation theatre

Angiography room to be converted into a hybrid operation theatre. PHOTO: FILE

With frequent complaints of the old machine constantly breaking down the government has decided to procure a new computerised tomography (CT) scan machine for the Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology (RIC) worth Rs200 million.

The machine is expected to become fully operational by the end of next month.

For this purpose, a large magnet to complement the machine is expected to be brought to the hospital via airlift on April 24 and it will be linked with the machine within 72 hours.

Further, the institute’s administration has also decided to replace their magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) machine, which had been purchased in 2012, with a new one.

Moreover, to improve survival rates at the institute, they have decided to convert the angiography room into a hybrid operation theatre whereby the room can turn into an emergency cardiac operation theatre within seconds.

Work on this project, sources say, has entered the final stages of completion.

The upgrade is aimed at helping save precious lives particularly those patients who undergo angiography but suffer a heart attack during the process and they died by the time they were shifted to an operation theatre.

The RIC has also received electromedical equipment for heart surgery of children. This equipment is expected to be installed by June.

During his recent visit to the city, Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar had assured RIC officials about the immediate release of Rs191.96 million as a grant apart from Rs105 million as a one-time cost for procuring new equipment. The funds were announced after Buzdar had been briefed by RIC Executive Director Dr Azhar Mehmood Kayani.

The Punjab CM had further vowed to release Rs653 million for stroke management treatment in the vascular disease department.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 15th, 2019.
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