Interior minister claims transforming police force

Addresses traffic police’s Family Gala closing ceremony

Minister of State for Interior Shehryar Afridi. PHOTO: FILE

Interior minister Shehryar Afridi has said that he has two key messages for all anti-state elements - that the nation will be united whenever it is attacked by its enemies and that the lives and properties of the citizens will be protected at all costs, adding that the era of panic and fear was over and the people were living in an environment of complete freedom.

The minister was addressing the closing ceremony of a two-day Family Gala organized by the Islamabad Traffic Police in the capital’s F-9 Park on Sunday.

The interior minister opined that the event had brought forth a soft image of the federal police and advised the police to have a friendly attitude in order to win the trust of the citizens. He further said that the prime minister not only asks for feedback from cabinet ministers but also personally engages in direct discussions with police officials.

He congratulated the entire police team as well as the Islamabad inspector general for making the Family Gala a success and commended the citizens of the federal capital for their active participation in the event, calling the Islamabad police both skilful and competent who ensured the protection of citizens’ rights.

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In addition to their professional duties, he said, the police had also inscribed a new chapter in their history as today’s police officers actively performed social work as well. He also lauded the police officials martyred in the line of duty for raising the dignity and spirit of their families as well as currently serving police personnel, asserting that the police had been transformed into a friendly law enforcement force and that ensuring the dignity of the citizens was their top priority.

Shehryar Afridi also praised the police department for working tirelessly for the maintenance of law and order and vowed to transform Islamabad police into a model organisation, noting that Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision included turning the police into an exemplary force. The prime minister, he claimed, was personally monitoring the affairs of the people and the police.
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