Bomb disposal expert Tiger gets a new leg

Transplant limb implanted in 2014 was near its expiry date

DI Khan police BDS squad’s Inayatullah Khan Tiger and his new artificial leg. PHOTO: EXPRESS

“Saving the lives of my countrymen and fellow colleagues is the motto of my life and I will continue doing it till my last breath,” says Inayatullah Khan Tiger a bomb disposal expert who recently got replacement of his artificial leg from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa police.

“I wish to continue my struggle against the enemies of the land,” Tiger said talking to Daily Express.

A recipient medal for valour Tamgha-e-Shujat in 2015, Tiger works with the bomb despoil squad at Dera Ismail Khan police, where he was injured seven times while defusing 300 bombs, five suicide vests and three explosive-laden vehicles.

In spite of having seven close calls from death, he holds his profession dear. He is among hundreds of bomb disposal experts working fearlessly for the safety of other people while working without any safety gear.

Bomb proof suits are in thin supply in police so are the modern equipment, due to which experts take on explosives, at times, armed with pliers and testers only.

Tiger lost his leg in year 2014 when he was defusing a landmine in DI Khan, the blast also caused life threatening injuries.

However, after recovery and implant of an artificial leg, he restarted his work with more valour and the government acknowledged his services with highest medal for valour for the living. The implant had a five-year expiry date. And by 2019 he needed a replacement.

The police force top brass also recognised his services for the forces and fellow colleagues. Recent his artificial leg was replaced with new one which cost almost Rs300,000 to the police force, but K-P Inspector General Police Dr Muhammad Naeem Khan sanctioned the money for him.

While talking to the Express News Tiger said: “being injured seven times has cost me physical damage, but I am happy for having saved so many lives of my people and forces.” He says that closes brushed with death have not affected his determination.

“Until now from 2014 after implant of artificial leg, I have defused 82 bombs, which include improvised explosive devices (IEDs), time bombs, antipersonnel bombs, landmines of various types for which I was awarded Tamgha-e-Shujat,” he said.

Tiger said he had defused the suicide jacket of the attacker on Daraban in 2007. He had also neutralised the explosive vest of the suicide attacker on Lato Faqir Mosque in 2011.

Tiger has attended several training workshops and also went for bomb disposal training abroad.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 17th, 2019.
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