Osman Khalid Butt voices displeasure over #MardMarch on Twitter

Actor takes a jab at all those upset by last week’s Aurat March


Gender equality has been the 'it' topic ever since last week's Aurat March. Across the nation, thousands of women from all religions, casts and creeds, came forth to ask for their rights. They marched across all major cities of Pakistan, chanting slogans and brandishing placards that called for the end of patriarchy.

Unfortunately, some of the posters and chants have rubbed some people the wrong way. Many thought them to be a tad bit over the top, if not all around vulgar. In retaliation, they have started a new counter-movement for men called Mard March.


But Osman Khalid Butt is having none of that. The ever-outspoken actor took to Twitter on Tuesday to call out all those upset by Aurat March. "Mard March…because some men get their panties in a twist over women exercising their right to speak out for one damn day. Oh, did I say panties? I mean boxer briefs. Manly boxer briefs. So man, much wow. Did their placards offend you? It's just locker room talk,” he tweeted.

A Twitter user named Wardah Effendi, wasn't pleased with his stance though. She responded to Butt’s tweet saying, "Oh please! There should be no shame to accept that many of the posters were disgusting and irrelevant. A man should be respected. Every human should be.”


To this, the Balu Mahi star responded, "All right, maybe there should be no shame in calling out posters you find offensive. There should be a little shame in feeding into a larger narrative that makes this march and feminism seem like a liberal plague or an attack against men, against our social and moral fabric. And this is among many other colourful labels. Honestly, a simple search on Twitter is all it takes to realise its ramifications. That said, I apologise if my tweet offended you."

One man the hero in capital’s Aurat March

Right or wrong, you can always rely on Butt for keeping it real and we can’t thank him enough for that.

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