Queen Elizabeth takes another step into the digital age with her first Instagram post

Queen toured Science Museum in 2014, opened the Information Age gallery by sending her first Tweet

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II gestures during a visit to the Science Museum in London on March 7, 2019. PHOTO: AFP

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth entered the world of hi-tech communications on Thursday with a visit to the new “Top Secret” exhibition at London’s Science Museum.

The 92-year-old monarch saw a World War Two enigma code machine and the original NeXT computer used by Tim Berners-Lee to design the World Wide Web in 1989.

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She also marked the opening of the museum’s Smith Centre by sharing an archive image on the royal family’s Instagram account, which has 4.5 million followers.

Elizabeth first toured the Science Museum in 1938 and, during her last visit in 2014, opened the Information Age gallery by sending her first Tweet.
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