Rising level of water at Hub Dam attracts picnickers

Water levels have increased to a record high at the dam

A man casts his fishing line at the Hub Dam. With the rise in water level, the dam has become a picnic attraction. PHOTO: EXPRESS

With the rise in water level at the Hub Dam, the site has become ideal for fishing and picnics and many people have begun making their way to the location for fun.

Many citizens arrive at the site early in the morning to catch fish. Some claim to have caught up to nine kilograms of fish in a single.

Moreover, many families come to the site for picnics and enjoy their breakfast or lunch in the pleasant weather besides the glistening water reservoir.

The Hub Dam, located in Balochistan, is spread over an area of 24,000 acres.

Just a short time ago, the lack of rainfall had caused the water level to deplete to the dead level. However, with the recent downpour, the water level has increased and was at a record high of 299 feet on Friday, for the first time in 40 years.

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The Hub Dam is one of the main sources of water for Karachi.

It mainly supplies water to the District West and with its increased level it can provide water to Karachi and areas of Lasbela for the next seven months.

While talking to The Express Tribune, visitors said that it was propitious that the dam had been filled with water. They said that if the water was distributed fairly, citizens would not have to face water shortage for at least some months.

The people said that they had made their way to the Hub Dam for picnic as there was a lack of picnic points in the city.

Published in The Express Tribune, February 28th, 2019.
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