Govt urged to place Nawaz under specialist care

Former premier's physician cites medical history, board suggestion in a letter to provincial home department

Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s personal doctor has asked the Punjab Home Department to take into consideration the recommendations of a medical board, which had earlier suggested shifting him to a cardiac facility.

Dr Muhammad Adnan, Nawaz’s personal physician, in his letter to the home department stated that the special medical board constituted after his patient was shifted to Services Hospital had made several recommendations, including continuous expert cardiac care in a facility round-the-clock with multidisciplinary backup available.

The letter urged the authorities to shift Nawaz back to the hospital. “The board is of unanimous opinion that Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, 69 years of age, is a well-established case of coronary artery disease with recently documented reversible ischemia on thallium scan and having recurrent angina which is his primary problem.”

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The letter further stated Nawaz’s previous cardiac history and present investigations of specialists could also be further discussed with his primary treating cardiac surgeon. The letter stressed the importance of following the medical team’s recommendations as there were serious concerns over the former premier’s health.

It is pertinent to mention here that the Punjab government had, in line with the suggestions of the medical board, instructed the health department to provide Nawaz with required cardiac care facility. However, Nawaz and his family refused to take any further treatment and insisted on his return to Kot Lakhpat Jail from Services Hospital.

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Maryam Nawaz Sharif herself while speaking to the media conceded that Nawaz had been shifted back to the hospital on his own demand. She said that Nawaz, a three-time premier, cannot be ridiculed by shifting him from one facility to another.

On the other hand, PML-N leaders have demanded for Nawaz to be allowed to travel aboard for treatment, so much so that a Punjab parliamentarian of the party, Hina Perveiz Butt, submitted a resolution seeking permission from the government in this regard.
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