Trainee SI considers resigning after verbal abuse from SP

After the conversation Raza went unleashed a torrent of abuse on the trainee SI


A trainee sub-inspector has alleged that a superintendent of police (SP) verbally berated him and forced him to consider resigning from his job, The Express Tribune reported.

In an official report, Naveed Abdul Majeed stated that he appeared before Iqbal Town SP Ali Raza to present a case. He shared the details of his case with the senior official who listened to him patiently. However, at the end of the conversation Raza went on a tirade and unleashed a torrent of abuse on the trainee in the presence of the inspector.

Following the outburst, Majeed left the office on the orders of the SP. “For two hours I sat on a park bench outside the SP’s office to try and pinpoint the reason for being treated in such a manner,” he said. He added: “Later, I realised that it was because I was a trainee sub-inspector and lower in rank. I returned to the office and requested to appear before the SP where I accepted my “mistake”.

I told him that he was an SP and that God has awarded him such a position. I also requested him to not verbally abuse any other individual in such a manner,” he stated. “I prayed to God to raise his respect and his rank and left the office.”

He claimed that surviving in the police department seemed to be difficult to him and he was inclined to hand in his resignation. On the other hand, SP Ali Raza did not respond to The Express Tribune’s calls for a comment.

The incident has resulted in an uproar on social media among lower cadre police officials. One such individual posted that even the government has changed, but when will this system change. Another said that when will we finally be free of these ‘kalay farangi’.

Another person said that the blue-eyed officers of the previous governments are still exploiting their subordinates. They enjoy picnics in Murree and Kashmir using our resources and also misuse the police’s welfare fund. One person maintained that the only way to reform the system is to make officers of Grade 18 and above accountable for their actions.

Meanwhile, an audio recording of a station house officer (SHO) abusing his subordinates for not responding to his calls has surfaced. In the clip, officials try to explain that they did not receive any call. However, the SHO pays them no heed and continues to hurl abuses.

This is not the first incident of lower rank police officials being mistreated that has been reported. A few months ago, an SP physically assaulted an SHO and misbehaved with a DSP. However, the official in question has served in two important divisions in Lahore for over a year.

While Majeed only responded to the incident by handing in his resignation, there have been dozens on incidences where officers have committed suicide after senior officials verbally abused them. In 2018, ASI Imtiaz was admonished by higher ups for requesting leaves. This incident caused him to end his own life.
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