Russia endorses Pakistan’s role in Afghan peace

Islamabad facilitating US-Taliban talks in good faith, Qureshi tells Kabulov

Foreign Minister Qureshi and Russian Diplomat Kabulov meet


Russian President Vladimir Putin’s special envoy for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov met with Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi at the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday and emphasised on the importance of Islamabad’s role in bringing peace to war-torn Afghanistan.

Kabulov also appreciated Pakistan’s efforts towards working for a political solution in Afghanistan. Qureshi reassured Kabulov that Pakistan will keep striving for peace in Afghanistan, as that is the only way prosperity will come to the region.

Underscoring the importance of peace and stability in Afghanistan, he said that Islamabad was facilitating the ongoing talks between the US and the Taliban as a shared responsibility and in good faith.

The foreign minister also appreciated the growing international consensus on the need to settle the conflict through political process. He hoped that the talks would result in an intra-Afghan dialogue leading to lasting peace in the country.

“It is in the shared interest of both the countries to support all efforts for peace and stability in the country through close coordination,” Qureshi said.

Highlighting the role of neighbours and the regional countries in the peace process, the foreign minister lauded the important contributions Russia had made including the “Moscow Format of Consultations”.

Lauding the close coordination and regular engagements on regional issues and Afghan peace process, Ambassador Kabulov said that Russia and Pakistan were important stakeholders in peace and stability in Afghanistan.

Kabulov arrived in Islamabad on Monday to meet Pakistan’s senior civil and military leadership. The visit comes in the wake of the global community shifting its focus on a political solution to the 17-year-old Afghan conflict.


Russia backs Pakistan's effort for Afghan settlement

Earlier in December, Islamabad and Moscow agreed to continue efforts, including through “Moscow Format of Consultations”, for supporting what they called the Afghan-led and Afghan-owned peace process.

The understanding between the two countries was reached during a visit of the foreign minister to Moscow where he held talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov.

Pakistan, Russia, China and Iran have been regularly interacting to find a political solution to the Afghan problem. They are particularly concerned over the rise of Da’ish in the war-torn country.

Earlier, the Russian envoy met Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua along with their respective delegations. Regional security and the efforts made by both Russia and Pakistan towards a political solution in Afghanistan were discussed during the meeting.
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