7 ways to soothe a dry, itchy scalp

Excessive use of shampoo can strip your hair of lucrative moisture and leave it even dryer


Winters can seriously dry out your scalp, leading to dandruff and itchiness.

But thanks to these tips shared by Indian hair specialists Gaurang Krishna and Blossom Kochhar, you can work around it. Here’s what the experts suggest:

1. Say no to stress

Stress impacts various aspects of our health and well-being. While it doesn't directly lead to an itchy scalp, it can aggravate the symptoms of one.

2. Limit your wash cycle

Excessive use of shampoo can strip your hair of lucrative moisture and leave it even dryer. Washing your hair less often will help regain its natural lustre. Incorporate a mild, pH balanced and sulphate-free shampoo with a hydrating conditioner in your hair care routine. Oiling the scalp an hour before your head wash will also soothe the skin on the scalp.

3. Be mindful of your diet

Increase your probiotics and water intake. Probiotics enhance the immune system, which in turn helps the body fight fungal infections that contribute to dandruff or dry scalp. Moreover, drink at least eight glasses of water to improve your scalp health and future hair growth.

4. Limit heat styling

Avoid overuse of heat/ beauty treatments like heating curling tongs, straighteners and dryers. In fact, hot styling products should not be applied to the scalp at all. While using these tools, make sure they are kept away from the skin. Overuse of heat styling tools seeps all the moisture out of your hair and leaves it dry and brittle.

5. Get the right products

Switch to a gentler, hydrating shampoo and make sure that you rinse your hair properly. Aggressive shampoos strip your hair of moisture. They contain sodium which can be harsh on the scalp and further lead to dryness and itchiness. It is advisable to carefully read the ingredients of the shampoo and see what suits you best. Also, it is recommended to avoid using hot water while rinsing your hair.

6. Indulge in a moisture kick

Opt for a moisture boost scalp treatment for rehydrating benefits. A generous application of oil and a massage is extremely beneficial before washing your hair. You can create a special massage oil of your own by mixing one tablespoon of coconut oil, castor oil, sesame oil and lavender essential oil.

Warm the oil by placing the container in a bowl of hot water and gently massage it onto your scalp. Wrap a hot towel around your hair and leave it on for half an hour before shampooing. For added lustre, use a few drops of Ylang ylang on freshly washed hair. It will give an instant shine and keep the split ends at bay.

7. Avoid scratching too much

Completely avoid scratching since it can abrade the scalp tissue and cause further aggravation. Apply a soothing scalp toner to ease the irritation.
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