PTI leader objects to curtailing power of Sindh police

Says the bid of Sindh rulers to curtail the powers of police shows their dictatorial mentality

Haleem Adil Sheikh. PHOTO: FILE

The bid of Sindh rulers to curtail the powers of Sindh police shows their dictatorial mentality and a deep desire to politicise the police department, said Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Sindh General Secretary and MPA Haleem Adil Sheikh.

Commenting on the issue of curtailment in the powers of Sindh IGP, Sheikh said on Sunday that to make the police department work like a personal servant is a dark conspiracy of the ruling party against the province of Sindh. He said the rulers want to control Sindh using the police force but they (PTI) would not let them do so.

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Sheikh claimed that there was no political standing of Wahab as the voters had already rejected him by giving just 4,000 votes, and the ministerial committee which has been formed on the police powers under his chair was a cruel joke. He said that the Sindh police was depoliticised during the tenure of former Sindh IGP AD Khowaja, who had worked hard to raise the moral of Sindh police.

The MPA maintained that the Sindh government wanted to control Sindh police through the ministerial committee, which he termed as dictatorship and inference of free policing. He said that PTI would oppose this move in the assembly, adding that other parties should also support PTI in blocking the amendment. PPI
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