Theatre: ‘Siasat’, coming to stage near you today

Play highlights how media deals with and treats current issues


While residents of the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, along with the rest of the country, gather in front of their television screens every evening for what has become a national pastime, the analysis of Pakistani politics in talk shows, a humorous stage play on the state of affairs will compete for attention.

Called "Siasat at 8 pm", a comedy play by Theatre Wallay, a non-commercial group of artists, will seek to entertain residents of the federal at The Farm at Bani Gala from January 4 to January 6. The play highlights how media deals with and treats current issues, prominent politicians and social workers and the absurdity of the entire spectacle.

In the play, well-known host AD Chaudhry will discuss some of the current issues of the society with some ‘eminent guests’.

The play is divided into two acts. The first act focuses on traditional political leaders, while the second will focus on a set of new or emerging leaders.

Both the groups claim they are worried about the poverty-stricken masses and want to bring ‘change’.

"Siasat @ 8pm" puts their claims in perspective, and shows what is right or wrong with them.

The group has been active in the federal capital since 2005 and has put up a number of performances over the years particularly from the world of literature.

One of their original productions was 'Daagh Daagh Ujala' (This Stained Dawn), went on a tour of the US in 2015.

The group is also involved in 'Theatre for Social Change' projects and works to promote the use of creative expression as a tool for empowerment and critical dialogue.

"To this end, we conduct regular workshops, readings, training and other activities in partnership with local and international organisations. We also conduct theatre education programmes and workshops with students of all ages,” the organisers said, adding that since November 2016, they have been running a not-for-profit cultural space and community centre.  

Published in The Express Tribune, January 4th, 2019.
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