10 celebrity New Year resolutions for 2019

New Year, new me...

New Year, new me... we know, that's so cliche but let's face it: This is the time of year everyone is obsessed with making resolutions for the year ahead. So we've asked the creme de la creme of the Pakistani showbiz industry to tell us the one positive change they hope to make in 2019!

1. HSY


My New Year resolution is to continue to live a healthier life. Work out, eat right and spend time with my family and close friends. Be present and be grateful every day.

2. Emmad Irfani


I try to follow up on the few basic disciplines that have helped me improve and progress as a person and a professional. I believe if you are not improving you are falling behind. Constant and never ending improvement is something I look forward to the next year.

3. Ayesha Omar


I want to make fitness a priority. I want to start exercising more and focus on strengthening my body.

4. Imran Abbas


My New Year resolution is to contribute more positively to society so that my actions can be directly converted into something meaningful for the less fortunate.  I would also like to travel more so I can focus better on my acting projects abroad.

5. Zara Noor Abbas


I really want to meet new people and create interesting opportunities for networking. I also want to have more fun.

6. Alyzeh Gabol


I am aspiring to be a great actor. I would like to expand my horizons within the film and media industry but also continue my passion for modelling.

7. Farhan Saeed


This New Year I have given myself the goal to make a positive difference in the lives of upcoming music artists who are going through a definitive phase of their journey. I have been there myself and where I am now, I feel it is my responsibility to tap into my immensely talented Pakistan.

8. Saheefa Jabbar Khattak


I want to be more patient, independent and sensible; both personally and professionally.

9. Deepak Perwani


To throw negative and toxic people out of my life, lose weight and look fabulous.

10. Sana Javed


I want to make sure I create a more positive social circle for myself and eliminate all things negative.

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