Sharif submits income tax trail in court

Khawaja Harris questions inclusion of a brigadier in JIT

Nawaz Sharif. PHOTO: REUTERS

Deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Monday submitted his income tax trail from 1985 to 1999 and 2009 to 2016 in an accountability court hearing corruption references against him.

The former premier appeared before Judge Arshad Malik's court but did not record his statement pertaining to Al-Azizia mills case.

During the hearing, Sharif's counsel Khawaja Harris continued cross-examination of Panamagate Joint Investigation Team (JIT) head Wajid Zia who apprised the court that companies under the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) model can benefit from tax protection.

He said all the companies owned by Hassan Nawaz were devised under the SPV model through which each company is registered with a distinct purpose.

Zia added that according to the SPV model, the buyer purchases the company instead of buying a property owned by the company, which in return exempts the buyer from paying stamp duty on the property.

The JIT head also said Hassan opened several bank accounts when he started his own business. “Every time he approached a bank for a loan, the bank required them to open a personal account."\

Court grants three-day exemption to Sharif

Further on in the hearing, Sharif's lawyer Harris questioned the inclusion of Brigadier Noman Saeed in the JIT. "Saeed was also part of the committee formed to probe Dawn Leaks."

Hearing was adjourned till Nov 6.

Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb snubbed the incumbent Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government for begging China for charity to sustain the economy.

"Government needs to create investment opportunities," Marriyum said as she reminded that PTI's first 100 days were coming to an end.



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