Marriyum lambasts PTI ‘flip-flop’ over loans

Recalls PM Imran’s stance that he would ‘commit suicide’ instead of begging for a loan


Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) spokesperson Marriyum Aurangzeb on Wednesday said Prime Minister Imran Khan should be ashamed of begging foreign leaders for loans and must apologize to the Pakistani nation after backtracking on his promise ‘never to beg a foreign nation for a loan’.

"In the past Khan used to criticize the PML-N government for arranging external loans to meet debt servicing requirements of the country and now he was praising himself for doing the same," she said. “During the election campaign Khan said he would commit suicide instead of begging for loan."

The PML-N leader added that, “By congratulating Pakistan nation after opting for an external loan, he is in fact trying to save himself from embarrassment”.

She also said the nation asking the incumbent government where this money would be spent and what is the economic vision of PTI government, is justifiable.

“The premier should apprise the nation on the conditions under which this loan has been allotted to Pakistan and what is the content of talks between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on the situation in Yemen” she added.

The whole nation is facing embarrassment on account of PM Imran’s shameful act of begging a foreign nation.

"Khan should tell the nation what is the strategic value of the Saudi loan and how it would provide relief to Pakistani people," she said. "In 2014 Saudi government provided $1.5 billion to Pakistan on the basis of Nawaz Sharif’s credibility and trust but Khan should understand the fact that this loan has been extended to Pakistan and not him personally."

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The PML-N spokesperson emphasised that if this loan is not used for debt servicing and to formulate a wise economic policy for the country, it would lead to further deterioration of Pakistan’s economic conditions.

"If the present government fails to implement wise economic policies then this loan will lead to further economic hardship," she added. "The PML-N government presented details of all the loans procured under CPEC before parliament during its term."

Marriyam also shed light on how PM Imran should realize that today if Pakistan is among the top countries the whole credit goes to the Sharif government.

"The PML-N government promoted transparency during its tenure and honestly implemented all the development projects and in this way save the capital that belonged to the nation," she said. "The hard work and honest policies of the Sharif government brought a good name to Pakistan internationally."

Before concluding her talk, Marriyam asked the incumbent premier to explain who was asking for a NRO from his government. "Sharif and Shehbaz are facing the courts, although they have been implicated in false cases."

She asked Imran Khan to conduct a forensic audit of development projects that were completed during PML-N government, “You have all the powers why don’t you carry out a forensic audit."

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