Of historical value: 1,800 houses in Peshawar deemed ‘protected’
Notices issued to property owners advising them to not make any changes in the structure
The provincial archaeological directorate has deemed 1,800 houses in the provincial capital as ‘protected sites’ under the antiquity law. Owners of these houses have been sent notices informing them that the structures are of historical value and that now the directorate will be responsible for their preservation.
All of the 1,800 houses are located inside the ‘walled city’, or the older sections of Peshawar.
The notices were issued by the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Archaeology and Museums Directorate under the K-P Antiquity Act 2016.
The law provides that every structure which is 100-years-old or older will be considered as having historical value and a piece of national heritage.
While its legal owner can retain possession of the property, they will no longer be allowed to make any changes to the structure without first seeking permission from the directorate.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 23rd, 2018.
The provincial archaeological directorate has deemed 1,800 houses in the provincial capital as ‘protected sites’ under the antiquity law. Owners of these houses have been sent notices informing them that the structures are of historical value and that now the directorate will be responsible for their preservation.
All of the 1,800 houses are located inside the ‘walled city’, or the older sections of Peshawar.
The notices were issued by the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Archaeology and Museums Directorate under the K-P Antiquity Act 2016.
The law provides that every structure which is 100-years-old or older will be considered as having historical value and a piece of national heritage.
While its legal owner can retain possession of the property, they will no longer be allowed to make any changes to the structure without first seeking permission from the directorate.
Published in The Express Tribune, October 23rd, 2018.