General wounded in Kandahar attack, confirms NATO

Smiley was shot when a member of the provincial governor’s bodyguard opened fire on a group of officials

Smiley was shot when a member of the provincial governor’s bodyguard opened fire on a group of officials. PHOTO COURTESY: US ARMY

US Army Brigadier General Jeffrey Smiley, was confirmed as one of two Americans wounded in Thursday’s attack that killed the police chief of the southern Afghan province of Kandahar, a spokesperson for the NATO-led Resolute Support mission said.

Smiley, commander of Resolute Support’s training and advisory mission in southern Afghanistan, was shot when a member of the provincial governor’s bodyguard opened fire on a group of officials leaving a meeting with the top NATO commander in Afghanistan, General Scott Miller.

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“I can confirm US Army Brigadier General Jeffrey Smiley was wounded during a recent insider attack in Afghanistan’s Kandahar Province,” a spokesperson for the NATO-led force said in an emailed statement.

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Miller was unhurt but Kandahar police chief, General Abdul Razeq, one of Afghanistan’s most prominent anti-Taliban commanders, was fatally wounded along with the local head of the NDS intelligence service General Abdul Momim.

The attack, which was claimed by the Taliban, was a devastating blow to the government, decapitating the security command of one of Afghanistan’s most strategically important provinces and demonstrating the insurgents’ ability to strike even top leaders.

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Along with Smiley, one US civilian and a coalition contractor were wounded as the group of officials made their way to a helicopter due to take Miller and his party back to Kabul.
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