Besides CBFC, both the Punjab and Sindh Film Censor Boards also cleared the Abhiraj Minawala directorial for release, without any cuts. According to sources within the committee, Loveyatri is a musical rom-com and there is nothing objectionable in the film.
“This is a love story with beautiful music. There was nothing controversial within the film as and seemed to be a family-friendly movie," a senior CBFC member told The Express Tribune, requesting anonymity.
He continued, "The film is a traditional boy meets girl tale. We did not have to make any edits after the screening and thus, were able to quickly issue a clearance certificate."
Distributors are expecting a great response to the upcoming film. According to them, Pakistani cinemagoers tend to really enjoy Salman's films.
Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma's film Sui Dhaaga will probably prove to be tough competition for Loveyatri as it currently sits at the top of the Bollywood film ranking as far as cinemas are concerned from a business point of view. Sui Dhaaga has managed to garner around Rs60 million since its release in Pakistan.
The film's cast includes Aayush Sharma and Warina Hussain in pivotal roles, alongside Kamil Lemiesze, Hitel Patel, Caroline Wilde and others. It is pertinent to mention here that Loveyatri’s male lead Aayush is the husband of Salman's sister Arpita. The Bajrangi Bhaijaan star created Loveyatri for the purpose of launching his brother-in-law.
Yash Raj Films are Loveyatri's official distributors. Popular Indian film company Distribution Club will be releasing the movie and promotions are in full swing so as to lead to the film's success in Pakistan.
"We are aware that it is mainly family-friendly films that do well in Pakistan. Due to this, we decided to purchase the film," stated a senior member of the Distribution Club.
He added, "This is a beautiful musical drama and such films have done very well in the past. We have launched many adverts for Loveyatri around big cities, cinema houses and social network sites so as to attract maximum audiences."
Speaking of Sui Dhaaga, the insider shared that the Sharat Katariya-helmed film has done great business since its release. "We don't think there is any film that can disturb the revenue we will garner from Loveyatri. However, Sui Dhaaga may prove us wrong."
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