Short aerobic exercise breaks during work recharge your brain: study

Having mental blocks during work is a very common...


A recent Japanese study posits that taking short exercise breaks at work might be a great way to recharge your brain as it doesn't require much concentration. According to  The Indian Express , the positive effects of the exercise-only intervention became evident 30 minutes after cycling.

Having mental blocks during work is very common and when working late, if the thinking part of your body is not given a rest, one can often lose efficiency.


The study had 28 men perform challenging tasks named ‘working memory’ which allows people to store and update information in their brains about things they are working on, such as goals and deadlines etc.

The participants took the challenges before, immediately after, and 30 minutes after three random, 25 minute-long test periods on three different days.

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In one, the men simply exercised on a stationary bike. In another, they performed a cognitive task while sitting on the bike but  did not exercise. And in the third, they did both at the same time: exercised on the bike and performed a cognitive task.

PHOTO: Bicycle Desk

The results showed that aerobic exercises had a rapid beneficial effect on their ability to plan, pay attention and juggle tasks. The positive effects of the exercise-only intervention became evident 30 minutes after cycling.

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