Indian businessman kills self, blames 'dark forces'

Man blames 75-year-old-mother for not "understanding him"

Trivedi was found hanging from a ceiling. PHOTO: FILE

A 45-year-old Indian businessman found dead at his upmarket Ahmedabad apartment blamed "dark forces" for his suicide, Hindustan Times reported.

He said the same forces were responsible for the deaths of his wife and daughter in a three-page note. His body was found hanging from a ceiling fan. The man's daughter and spouse were found dead in another room, police said.

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In his note, the man blamed his 75-year-old-mother for not "understanding him". "Everyone called me alcoholic ... I never drank out of my will … the dark forces took advantage of my weakness ... but mother you did not understand me … If you would have understood on the very first day then my life would have been different today … word suicide was never found in my dictionary … many a times I told you about dark forces … but you did not believe me."

Police found the mother of the deceased lying unconscious in the flat after being alerted. She was taken to a hospital where her condition is said to be critical.

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Police are trying to ascertain if the man killed his spouse and daughter before hanging himself. The possibility of a suicide pact is also being probed.

"The bodies have been sent for post-mortem. And we are also waiting for the forensic science laboratory reports to reach any conclusion," an official said.

He said there was no mention of a tantric and the family was not experiencing a financial crisis. Police said the deceased man, previously employed in the insurance sector, had recently started a business of his own.

This article originally appeared in Hindustan Times.
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