Indian man hangs self after stuffing bodies of wife, daughters in freezer, suitcase

Kushwaha committed suicide after killing family


Allahabad police said on Monday that a 35-year-old Indian man had killed his wife and three daughters before hanging himself, Hindustan Times reported.

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Family troubles had left Peepalgaon-resident Manoj Kushwaha depressed, the force said. Kushwaha stuffed the body of his 30-year-old wife Shweta in a freezer after killing her. The bodies of two of his daughters were recovered from a cupboard and a suitcase. Another was found dead in a room. The body of the man was found hanging from a ceiling fan.

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"Prima facie, it seems that the man killed his wife and daughters, and later committed suicide. An investigation is underway,”Allahabad SSP Nitin Tiwari said.

This article originally appeared on Hindustan Times.
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