BZU girls clinch 9 out of top 10 positions

Boys left far behind in BSc and BA annual examination results

Representational image. PHOTO: REUTERS

This year, the Bahauddin Zakariya University (BZU) declared Bachelor of Science (BSc) and Bachelor of Arts (BA) exam results without a delay. Girls showed outstanding performances in 2018 and clinched nine out of the top ten positions.

These views were expressed by BZU Examination Controller Muhammad Suhaib Rashid as he spoke to The Express Tribune on Thursday.

He added the timely announcement of results would help in admissions in various disciplines of the university.

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Rashid praised the efforts of girl students and said that females play a vital role in the development of a nation.

He said girl graduates outshone the boys in the BSc and BA exam held under the supervision of the Bahauddin Zakariya University.

He maintained that BZU considered women an integral part of society and hoped that they would continue to excel in different fields.

The BZU examination controller paid tribute to the staff of different involved with the process. He said they showed extraordinary performance in ensuring the timely announcement of the results.

Earlier, while announcing the results, he revealed the gender-wise break up which showed that the passing percentage of girls was double that of boys. At least 47% girls passed while only 24% of the boys cleared all their papers.

Suhaib Rashid said that 49,433 candidates appeared in the exam and 18,158 of them passed. The overall pass percentage was 36.73%, he added.

He maintained 29,534 candidates appeared in the BA examination and 7,364 passed. The pass percentage remained at 24.93%.

Rashid mentioned that 19,899 candidates appeared in the BS exam and 10,794 of them cleared all the papers. The pass percentage was 54.24%, he said.

He said that of the public institutions, at least 1,593 male candidates appeared in the BA exam while 559 were declared successful. The pass percentage was 35.9%. Similarly, he said 5,708 female candidates appeared from public colleges and of them, 2,730 cleared all the papers with a pass percentage of 47.83%.

He pointed out that 12,012 male external candidates appeared in the exam and 1,470 of them passed the exam. The pass percentage was 12.24%. He elaborated that a total of 10,221 female external candidates appeared in the exam while 2,604 were declared successful with pass percentage of 25.48%.

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In BS exam, the BZU official said that 3,624 male regular candidates appeared in the exam and of them 1,819 were declared successful with pass percentage of 52.18%.

Besides, he elaborated that 7,402 female regular candidates appeared in the examination and 5,547 cleared all the papers with a pass percentage of 74.94%.

Suhaib Rashid said that a total of 3,624 male external candidates appeared in the exam while 1,466 were declared successful. The pass percentage remained 29%. He said that 3,817 female external candidates appeared in the exam and of them 1,890 were declared successful with a pass percentage of 49.52%.

Published in The Express Tribune, August 3rd, 2018.
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