Hamza, Ayesha call truce after meeting CJP

Both parties agree to withdraw cases


Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Mian Saqib Nisar has directed Hamza Shehbaz and his alleged wife Ayesha Ahad Malik to restrain from discussing conditions of their settlement in public after he had arbitrated between them.

A three-member bench heard the matter at the Supreme Court Lahore registry on Monday where the CJP said the cases of both Hamza and Ayesha against each other had stood withdrawn.

The CJP announced the verdict after holding proceedings in his chamber and directed them not to share conditions of their settlement anywhere in public.

Justice Umar Ata Bandial and Justice Ijazul Ahsan were the other members of the bench.

On court orders, Hamza – a Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader and son of former chief minister of Punjab Shehbaz Sharif – appeared before the bench where he implored that he had no relation with Ayesha and the issue had been lingered on for last eight years.

“I don’t have any relation with this lady. Eight years ago, she went to our rival political party and held a press conference,” Hamza said after Ayesha told the bench that she married him and they lived together.

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The top judge remarked that they understood both. “You have been given a good option, because it is a private life, so resolve it amicably,” the judge observed.

Justice Ijazul Ahsan, the other member of the bench, also said, “It is a good option as the CJP is offering himself as an arbitrator.”

Ayesha said she and her daughter were subjected to torture and violence for years. She reiterated that she married Hamza and they lived together but differences separated them.

Addressing Hamza, the CJP said he would then order formation of a joint investigation team (JIT) to investigate the matter. “The FIRs were registered on my order… so I’ll order a JIT for the investigation,” he added.

“We can play a role to resolve this issue agreeably… so it is an option for you. Divorce her because it is also in accordance with the Sharia law if you don’t want to live with her,” the CJP said. “Tell me, otherwise I will send it to the JIT,” he added.

Hamza’s counsel Zahid Hussain objected to the formation of a JIT, saying that a family court had already ruled and it was not established that Hamza and Ayesha were husband and wife.

“It has already been decided by a family court… how a JIT could be made on this matter,” the counsel questioned.

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To this, the CJP advised him to stay away from arguing on the case.

“We can give observation on the current status of this order,” the CJP said. “Still you have the option. We can hear you in the chamber. It is a possibility that the JIT would not be from Punjab,” he added.

The bench also asked Hamza whether he would speak in the open court or go to the chamber. Hamza replied that he was ready for the order being passed. He added that he wanted to say in the open court that he never married the lady.

“I say it, fearing Allah… I did not marry her,” said Hamza.

To this, the CJP asked what if his relation was established after a JIT probe.

Justice Ijaz remarked that he would have the complete chance, and then the bench proceeded to the CJP’s chamber. Both the parties also appeared before the judges in the chamber.

After holding proceedings in the chamber, the bench announced the verdict that the matter between the parties had been settled and both had also been directed not to discuss the conditions of settlement publically.

The court also held that the cases filed by both Ayesha and Hamza had also been declared as withdrawn.

The court disposed of the complaints.
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