Formula one: ‘FIA ban would affect McLaren’

The ban, has been postponed to ensure that no team is penalised unfairly.

McLaren’s engineering director Tim Goss has spoken out in criticism of the FIA’s idea of introducing a limit on how exhaust gases are blown through diffusers. He said that the performance of the car would suffer if the governing body does go ahead with the ban. The purpose of the ban, which focuses on engine modes, is to maintain the flow of gases through the exhaust even when the throttle is not being used. The effect of this is to improve downforce from the diffuser. The ban, which was initially going to be introduced for this weekend’s race in Spain, has been postponed to ensure that no team is penalised unfairly. Meanwhile, Goss said he is still not sure how much the ban would disadvantage McLaren compared to other teams.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 19th, 2011.
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