Expansion of Tayyip Erdogan Hospital completed

Punjab CM to inaugurate extended hospital block this month 


The expansion of Tayyip Erdogan Hospital Muzaffargarh has been completed, said Punjab Minister for Specialised Healthcare and Medical Education Khawaja Salman Rafique.

He was presiding over a meeting to review the inaugural arrangements of the hospital at the site office on Monday.

The minister said that Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif would inaugurate the extended block of the hospital during the current month. The hospital has become 380-bed hospital on which Rs4.8 billion have been spent, he said. The hospital was initially constructed by Turkey.

It was a 130-bed hospital which was gifted by the Turkish government to the people of Punjab, said Rafique, adding that on the directions of the chief minister of Punjab, 250-beds have been included in the hospital and state-of-the-art building has been constructed on which Rs4.8 billion rupees have been spent.

Expansion of Erdogan hospital in Muzaffargarh begins  

The minister revealed that in the second phase 250 more beds would be added to the hospital.

He said that the hospital would have MRI, CT scan and other latest diagnostic facilities.

The minister said that CT scan machine has been functionalised while the installation of MRI machine would also completed soon. Dialysis unit has also been established in the hospital, he added.

The soft launching of the hospital has been made. However, the chief minister of Punjab would make formal inauguration this month.

After completion of the extension of the hospital, it will become a state-of-the-art hospital equipped with all the latest machinery and biomedical equipment.

This hospital is not only providing quality healthcare facilities to the people of remote areas of southern Punjab but also a ray of hope for the people of Balochistan and Sindh who come to the hospital, said the minister.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 15th, 2018.
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