Case of missing healthcare: CJ tells CADD to get permanent staff at hospitals

Says after meeting with PM, matters will be expedited

Mian Saqib Nisar: PHOTO:EXPRESS

The Chief Justice referring to his meeting with the Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi held on Tuesday remarked that now matters will be resolved expeditiously and no matter will be delayed or stopped after yesterday’s meeting.

Chief Justice Saqib Nisar was hearing a case of scanty health facilities in hospitals and alleged corruption in the purchase of oxygen and nitrogen gas, and an untraced theft of medicines from Polyclinic Hospital.

In previous hearings, the court had expressed their displeasure over officials on ad hoc appointments being kept in administrative positions in government hospitals of Islamabad.

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The Chief Justice Saqib Nisar heading a three-member bench had directed the Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD) to appoint permanent officials.

On Wednesday briefing the court about the issue additional attorney general Amir Rehman said summary for the appointment of heads of hospitals has been sent to the Establishment Division which would be forwarded to the cabinet for approval. He said as per court orders the CADD has been working on daily basis and a summary was sent before too but it was returned due to legal lacunas so a summary was sent afresh.

Upon which the CJ said: “now no summary would face delays or be stopped and after yesterday’s meeting with the premier matters will be now be expedited.”

“We need positive development and if CADD fails to make appointments of good officials the court will make appointments itself,” the top judge of the country said giving a muted warning, “and permanent appointments will be made by the next government.”

Over objections on appointments of clinical doctors on administrative positions by a complainant, the CJ said: “let the government work and we will see later if the appropriate officials were appointed.”

Doctors should be appointed on administrative positions and secretary health should also be a doctor, he opined.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 29th, 2018.

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