Plantation campaign inaugurated at KU

More than 2,500 saplings will be planted at KU during the campaign, the VC said


University of Karachi (KU) Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr Muhammad Ajmal Khan inaugurated on Wednesday a plantation campaign at the varsity.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, the VC said global warming and increased frequency of heatwaves threatened the natural balance of the environment. Natural calamities, including tropical cyclones, tornadoes, floods and droughts, along with global warming had become a serious threat for the South Asian countries, he added.

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Dr Khan maintained that trees played an important role in reducing the occurrence of natural calamities. Tree plantation is the only way to save the world from the danger of global warming, he said, adding that tree plantation needed to be promoted as trees controlled heatwaves.

More than 2,500 saplings will be planted at KU during the campaign, the VC said. KU Registrar Dr Munawar Rasheed, Student Adviser Dr Syed Asim Ali, the controller of examinations, dean and a large number of faculty and students also attended the inauguration ceremony.
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