Religious parties condemn mass killings in Syria

Tehreek-e-Labaik and Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba gather outside Lahore Press Club

Religious parties gathered in Lahore to protest mass killings in Syria PHOTO: REUTERS

Religious parties gathered to stage a protest outside Lahore Press Club condemning the massacre of of 500 Syrians in the last five days.

Following the mas killings, the United Nations issued a statement saying it had run out of words for what was happening in Syria. The patron in chief of Tehreek-e-Labaik Ya Rasool Allah Maulana Ashraf Asif Jalali strongly condemned the atrocities committed by Syrian President Basharul Asad and showed concern for the killings in Syria.

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“Russia and Iran are behind the massacre of the Syrian people, he declared. They kill innocent people for their own interests,” he said.

The city of Ghouta has its own historical significance and was considered to be heaven on earth. Now it is under siege and thousands of bodies lay trapped underneath rubble and debris, he lamented.

This should serve as a wakeup call for other Muslim countries, however instead Saudi Arab is busy holding fashion week, he added. The silence of other countries shows that they are not interested in stepping forward.

We should demand Basharul Asad be arrested and an inquiry be conducted in an international criminal court, he went on to say. He demanded that the war in Syria cease immediately and aid workers from Muslim countries be permitted to enter the area.

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“During seven years of insurgency, over 0.5 million people have been killed. If it continues, Syria will be wiped off the map of the world,” he said.

Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba also staged a protest questioning why OIC and the UN were not intervening in Syria. They demanded that the government of Pakistan immediately cut ties with Syria

Published in The Express Tribune, February 28th, 2018.

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