PTI popularity frightening political foes says adviser

Says there is ample proof of confidence of people over the leadership of Imran Khan


Political opponents have become frightened due to the large number of people joining the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, claimed Adviser to Chief Minister Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Shakeel Khan.

The adviser added that there was ample proof of confidence of people over the leadership of Imran Khan and his policies.

Shakeel said this while addressing a public meeting in the Totakan area of Malakand District on Sunday, where a majority of Gojar community announced to join the PTI. They also reposed unshakable confidence in the party’s future programmes and manifesto.

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The adviser said that their government has given priority to the education sector, saying “Without proper education, no nation can progress and this is why the K-P government has increased the sector’s budget manifold and ensured attendance of teachers in schools.”

Shakeel claimed that the PTI-led government has uprooted corruption and political interference from institutions and have recruited 40,000 teachers on merit. He said K-P government has also issued sehat sahulat cards to 150,000 deserving people. He added that the provincial government has also provided solar systems to all mosques which was a visible change.

The adviser said due to our policies the people were continuously joining PTI in large number which has frightened political opponents.
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