Paying girls to go to school

Girls studying in government secondary schools of Bajaur will get Rs1,000 per month on 80 per cent attendance

Girls studying in government secondary schools of Bajaur will get Rs1,000 per month on 80 per cent attendance. PHOTO: FILE

Girls studying in government secondary schools of Bajaur Agency will get Rs1,000 per month on 80 per cent attendance, Assistant Political Agent Anwarul Haq said. He was speaking at the inaugural ceremony of a cash-based transfer programme (CBT) launched by the education department with the financial support of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) to help increase enrolment in girls schools by providing monthly stipend to students. He said 25 government girls schools had been selected for the programme. Initially girls of middle and high schools would get the monthly stipend and later the facility would be extended to all government schools.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 14th, 2017.
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