Horoscope: November 27, 2017

Your stars

Your stars

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

On the 19th, your ruler Mars clashed with the planet of both truth and power struggles, Pluto, triggering challenging situations. If you took time then, and discussed any issues in depth, you’ll not only have resolved them, you learned a lot, as well. If not, revisit these now, while you can still talk things through.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

Over the past week or so, you’ve been able to raise and discuss your concerns about certain persistent problems. Better yet, the resulting exchange of ideas has made you feel more positive about these, and the potential for finding a solution, than for ages. The coming days will be pivotal in this process.

Gemini | May 20 – June 20

It seems everybody you encounter either can’t, or won’t make a decision. While ordinarily you’re easygoing about such things, certain pressing matters can’t wait. Or so it seems. Within days, if not hours, the foundation on which those decisions are based will shift, and you’d only have to begin all over again.

Cancer | June 21 – July 21

Although the actual Full Moon isn’t until Sunday, because it links to changes already reshaping elements of your life, you’ll be increasingly aware of the feelings these developments are triggering. Some will be unsettling, while others will bring a sense of relief. But all will, in some way, relate to these changes.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

Few things annoy you more than those who chatter endlessly about what they intend to do, but who never get around to it. While, ordinarily, this doesn’t involve you, now it does. In fact, the inaction of one particular individual could cause you serious problems. Discuss this, now and as rationally as possible.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

Life would be a lot easier if you could stick with a single plan. But judging by the links being formed by your ruler Mercury and, on one hand, the inventive Uranus and, on the other, the cautious Saturn, both your mood and those plans will change, and within days if not hours.

Libra | September 22 – October 22

When your ruler Venus joined expansive Jupiter in the part of your chart that has to do with life’s practicalities in general, and finances in particular, on 22 October, you began a busy cycle of four weeks’ duration. Tackle whatever remains before Friday, when Venus moves to focus on other matters.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

The New Moon may have been a week ago. However, because it was in Scorpio, and accented both necessary changes and what must go, you’re probably still working on those tasks. Take your time. Some may have been easily done and dealt with but others will require considerable thought and reflection.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

In early November, the ideas planet Mercury moved into Sagittarius, to stay until mid-January. During this period, it will form a series of powerful aspects to most of the planetary heavyweights. While you’ll have experienced the influence of some, this week’s events are coloured by alliances to inventive Uranus and the precise Saturn.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 18

It’s not that you’ve feared facing or discussing certain facts as much as you’ve been concerned about the time tackling them would devour. While that’s true, there’s no quick way around these, they’re also the foundation for certain crucial plans. If you put off dealing with them, it would only complicate matters.

Aquarius | January 19 – February 17

Understanding what’s on your mind and, in fact, what you’re currently discussing, means going back to a little over two weeks ago, when practical Saturn and your ruler Uranus formed a stunning alliance. Since then there’s been lots of talk but few solid plans. Now, finally, things are coming together. And it’s really exciting.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19 

Few things are more challenging than watching those you care about being badly treated. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an individual or an organisation, obviously, you want to do what you can. However, judging by the current planetary setup, you can give support, but no more. They need to deal with these matters themselves.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 27th, 2017.