Qatar sets $200 minimum wage as part of labour overhaul

In addition to the new salary, labourers will get accommodation, food and healthcare plans, covered by employers

Migrants working in construction for the World Cup are often reported to face harsh conditions. PHOTO: AFP

Qatar has set a temporary minimum wage for migrant workers worth some $200 a month, the authorities said Thursday, a benchmark reform following criticism of its preparations for the 2022 World Cup.

Labour Minister Issa al-Nuaimi told AFP that the "temporary minimum wage of 750 riyals ($195, 166 euro) per month will immediately come into effect", while officials work on setting a permanent rate.

In addition to the new salary, labourers will receive free accommodation, food and healthcare plans, covered by employers, he said.

Introducing a minimum wage was among a package of major labour changes announced last month by Qatar, which has come under continued global scrutiny and criticism for its treatment of some two million migrant workers.

Qatar 'to introduce' minimum wage for workers

Qatar has never had an official minimum wage policy, and officials said the 750 riyals figure could increase after a review.

"We will not approve any employment contract if the salary is below 750 Qatari riyals per month. All contracts must now be approved by the ministry (of labour)," Nuaimi said.

"If any change is made to the contract, we will apply the new procedures."

Since being controversially chosen to host the World Cup, Qatar - which is spending $500 million a week on the tournament - has been routinely accused of forcing workers to toil in conditions critics have likened to modern-day slavery.

Among other key reforms on the books are a requirement to lodge job contracts with the government, preventing changes to contract terms after the arrival of workers in Qatar, and ending the right of employers to stop staff from leaving the country or changing jobs.

The package was enough to satisfy the UN's International Labour Organization, which on November 8 said the reforms matched up to its expectations for labour rights.

Arab boycott adds to woes of Qatar migrant workers

Rights groups have also backed the changes but continue to question whether Qatar will live up to its promises.

Nuaimi said it would, insisting that: "Qatar's pledge does not end here. This is a long-term commitment and we will make further improvements."

The overhaul comes as Qatar finds itself at the centre of a bitter regional crisis threatening to destabilise the Gulf.

Led by Saudi Arabia, a quartet of Arab states in June cut ties with Qatar over its alleged support for terrorist groups and relations with Iran. Doha denies the charges.
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