Railways conducting overhaul of defunct locomotives

Official says project for repairing 100 diesel electric locomotives has been approved

Pakistan Railways PHOTO: EXPRESS

Pakistan Railways has decided to rehabilitate and modernise 146 non-functional locomotives to facilitate passengers and generate more revenue, officials told APP on Friday.

"A total of 73 locomotives are under normal maintenance schedules and repair schedules which will be made operational through different schemes under PSDP," an official in the Ministry of Railways said.

He added that Pakistan Railways, at present, has a fleet of 468 locomotives out of which 146 are non-functional while 322 are fully operational.

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"Out of these 322 locomotives, 144 locomotives are almost new, having recently been procured and up-graded," the official said, adding that so far 26 locomotives have been rehabilitated and made operational while one locomotive will be rolled out by the end of this month.

The official said a project for repairing 100 diesel electric (DE) locomotives has been approved with 37 DE locomotives repaired till now and rolled out for train operations, with the rest expected to be completed within the current financial year.

He said that 10 locomotives were damaged in accidents, requiring heavy repairs while procurement of materials to repair these locomotives is under process and will be completed in the current financial year as well.

The official said that 62 Dalian Chinese locomotives are held up since 2012 for want of imported spares. "A feasibility study is under way to examine whether the proposed repairs will be financially viable considering their residual life."

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Published in The Express Tribune, November 11th, 2017.

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