Registering women voters: NCSW wants door-to-door campaign

PCSWs say they lack financial, human resources to tackle the issues they face

PCSWs say they lack financial, human resources to tackle the issues they face. PHOTO: EXPRESS

A government body on women’s rights has called for a door-to-door campaign to register women voters in the country before the general elections next year

This was suggested in a board meeting of the National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) and Provincial Commissions of Status of Women (PCSWs) on Thursday. The meeting was chaired by NCSW Chairperson Khawar Mumtaz. It was attended by chairpersons of the Provincial Commissions on the Status of Women (PCSWs).

While calling for better coordination between NCSW and PCSWs for focused efforts for women protection and empowerment.

They also discussed complaint handling, documentation systems and follow up mechanisms followed by the national and provincial commissions.

The PCSW chairpersons said that they lack financial and human resources to tackle the issues they face.

The commission members highlighted that despite positive developments with regards to women rights, these are seldom documented and highlighted, leading to a negative image of Pakistan on the international stage.

"We accept that there are gaps at the implementation level and collaborative effort is required to fill these gaps but there is an equal need to appreciate the positive work," Mumtaz said. The members also highlighted the need for the availability of consolidated information on women issues.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 28th, 2017.
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