Rift emerges between senior PU academics

PUTF says members of ASA are taking personal favours instead of serving teachers’ community

Punjab University PHOTO: EXPRESS

Differences have emerged between different groups of academics at the Punjab University. Punjab University Teachers Front (PUTF) is accusing certain members of the Academic Staff Association (ASA) of taking favours and benefits from the administration. At the same time, the latter is denying the accusations, saying they are nothing more than political mudslinging.

In a statement, Punjab University Teachers Front (PUTF) accused ASA office-bearers of taking ‘personal benefits’ from the administration. They called on the vice chancellor of PU to make public the details of the benefits enjoyed by the office-bearers and group leaders of ASA.

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In the statement, the PUTF, which also has three members in the ASA elected body including the treasurer and two executive members, condemned a few office bearers of ASA for taking personal benefits from the administration and ignoring issues faced by the teachers’ community.

“The ASA is a highly-respected representative body of teachers, but unfortunately it has lost its respect, credibility and worth because of the greedy leadership.” It said the leaders were striving for personal gains and benefits rather than the collective cause of the community.”

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The PUTF claimed that ASA office bearers had met PU Vice Chancellor Dr Zafar Mueen, but they portrayed completely different impressions behind closed doors and out in the open.  “We have gathered the complete story as TF’s representatives were also present and will share it with the community soon”. He said the front was regretting the fact that it would have to reveal to members of the teaching community that certain representatives of ASA were telling a concocted story.

Published in The Express Tribune, October 26th, 2017.
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