PM Abbasi, Chaudhry Nisar, Saad Rafique will desert PML-N soon: Sheikh Rasheed

AML chief claims Nawaz Sharif-led ruling party’s disintegration process has started

AML chief claims Nawaz Sharif-led ruling party’s disintegration process has started. PHOTO: EXPRESS/FILE

Awami Muslim League (AML) chief Shaikh Rasheed predicted on Friday that the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) faced mass desertions by its ranks and said that entire party leadership from southern Punjab was ready to leave.

Addressing a rally outside Lal Haveli in Rawalpindi, Rasheed said that many PML-N heavyweights, including Nawaz loyalist Saad Rafiq and critic Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan were preparing to quit the party. He went on claim that even Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi would leave the party.

“The PML-N’s disintegration has begun,” he said. “Saad Rafique, Chaudhry Nisar and Shahid Khaqan Abbasi will soon leave Nawaz Sharif’s party,” he added. To pour scorn on his rivals, he said: “Those who claim that I [Rasheed] won’t come to the assembly are themselves scared.”

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Rasheed, while referring to the Hudaibiya Paper Mill case against Sharif, claimed that he alone fought the case and stood firm on his stance that “Pakistan and corruption cannot go together”.

Criticising Sharif, he said the Hudaibiya Papers Mills reference in NAB would be “the last straw that broke the camel’s back”.

The AML chief said that Maryam Nawaz, Sharif’s daughter, was being investigated for corruption, theft and submission of fake documents yet she comes to the court with a protocol as if she was the prime minister of the country.

He said those looting the country’s assets were now retaliating too. “These are the people who deposited $33 million in a foreign bank,” adding, “Each and every document relating to the transaction is there to prove their guilt.”
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