'Avengers' star Mark Ruffalo has the perfect response for an Islamophobe

People are loving his response - and rightly so!


Avengers star Mark Ruffalo, who essays the role of The Hulk in the series perfectly responded to a guy who said that he was scared of Muslims.

Here's what happened:

So, this guys took to Twitter to share that he's Islamophobic and he'd 'never know if they have a bomb or not'.


He then got this response from Muslim lawyer and activist Qasim Rashid: "I know what you mean. I get reallly uncomfortable when I see a young white male like you walk into an elementary school or movie theater."

Whose tweet was then responded by the actor himself, and he had a beautiful preposition: "Maybe it's time to have dinner with a Muslim. I promise you there is a whole beautiful world out there that's not so scary."

And people are loving his response - and rightly so!

You are welcome anytime at our dinner table, Mark.

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