The fetish of speed

Advocates of technological progress at all costs argue that with things moving faster, life has become more efficient

The writer is a former ambassador and former assistant secretary general of OIC

If asked to pinpoint one malady that the world suffers from today, one would not be far off the mark if one were to point the finger at the fetish of speed. As one looks around, there is one mad rush. Everyone and his uncle appear to be in a frightful hurry. They all behave as if they have an express train to catch. Not any train, mind you, but apparently one that if missed could conceivably lead to earth-shaking consequences.

The whole scenario makes one not only dizzy but also a bit nostalgic for the relaxed pace of yesteryear. Not that this does one any good. In actual fact, one gets the feeling that things are going to get worse. The tempo of life that was at once relaxed and steady, regrettably now appears to be a thing of the past — perhaps never to return. One can only grin and bear it while hoping for the best. Humankind’s mad quest for speed, though, may yet prove to be its undoing!

Take the instance of a most common everyday occurrence: the meal. Remember the time when mealtimes used to be pleasurable occasions — to be leisurely savoured. Alas, no more! People have started eating faster. Gulping down food in the shortest possible time is becoming something of a fad. Relaxed and leisurely meals of yesteryear are no more than a pleasant memory. To look at the younger generation at mealtime, it would appear that eating is nothing more than an unpleasant duty.

The spawning of fast-food joints is nothing short of appalling. These establishments dish out food at a feverish pace, with the declared objective of it being gulped down at an even quicker speed. Before the customer realises, he or she is lighter in the pocket, heavier in the stomach and none the wiser for it! Of course, it makes good business sense for these establishments, given their phenomenal turnover. The fast-food revolution has taken the magic out of this most pleasant interlude.

Whether one likes it or not, speed has affected the way of life, leaving it spiritless and lacklustre. Speed has also taken hold of the streets and roadways. Otherwise quite sane individuals can be seen charging down the roads like mad in newer and faster vehicles. What is the hurry about? Is it to meet a deadline? Or, is it just the excitement of living dangerously that motivates our daredevil motorists? One may also make mention of the phenomenal rise in the number of vehicles plaguing the roads these days. Thanks to the much-vaunted macro-economic planning, almost any person can now walk into a bank and draw a loan to purchase a vehicle.

Speed now influences all aspects of human existence. People are living their lives at a much faster pace. Educational institutions are driving young children in a manner that is hardly conducive to good education. Speed-reading is being encouraged — and that by people who ought to know better. People are even talking faster. No aspect of life remains untouched by the fetish of speed. It would be understandable if it were to improve the quality of life. But one doubts it!

Speed has squeezed the spice out of life. Advocates of ‘technological progress at all costs’ argue that with things moving faster, life has become more efficient. Maybe it has; but at what cost? Has the mad rush made life any the richer? What speed may have given to life by way of proficiency, it has taken away in terms of quality. The imperative need for a happy compromise is evident. What is needed is a collective decision where to draw the line. But, then, who would be the arbiter? That would open up an entirely new line of inquiry!

Published in The Express Tribune, August 31st, 2017.

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