Horoscope: June 19, 2017

Your stars today

Your stars today

Your Stars Today

Aries | March 20 – April 18

Few things annoy you more than those who refuse even to discuss a new approach to longstanding arrangements. Yet, that’s exactly what you’re doing. True, at the moment those alternatives are unclear or may seem unworkable. Whatever the case, you owe it to yourself to explore these, and in depth.

Taurus | April 19 – May 19

Ordinarily you’d never allow certain hard won arrangements to slip away without doing something to keep things going. However, your intuition is correctly telling you that what seem minor flaws are actually rather serious issues. Ironically, you may decide that, as a result of these problems, it’s not worth battling for them.

Gemini | May 20 – June 20

When your ruler Mercury moved into Gemini in early June, you began a cycle during which you’ve been both questioning existing arrangements and exploring your options. The time has come to make decisions, ideally before Wednesday, when Mercury moves to accent the practical side of the plans you’re busily considering.

Cancer | June 21 – July 21

Challenging as the past month’s events seemed when they took place, your perspective is changing. Since then, in fact, you’re increasingly aware how much you learnt from even seriously tricky situations. Better yet, the Sun’s move into Cancer, on the 21st, ends this cycle and will eliminate that confusion for good.

Leo | July 22 – August 21

The difficulties triggered by the recent clash between your ruler the Sun and the sometimes overly practical Saturn are likely to have been both exasperating and devoured your time. Still, not only are these no surprise, you’ve been well aware that, sooner or later, you’d need to tackle them. Now, finally, you will.

Virgo | August 22 – September 21

Usually you’re wary about offers that seem too good to be true. But nothing about recent developments have caused you concern which, bizarrely, has made you all the more uneasy. The fact is, the actual situations are complex and so will, inevitably, result in a mix of golden moments and challenges.

Libra | September 22 – October 22

Watching arrangements you’ve struggled to organise come undone will seem disappointing, at least initially. But it will gradually become clear they weren’t that good an idea. You believed certain individuals would be interesting to spend time with. Unfortunately, the better you’ve gotten to know them, the less enjoyable you’ve found their company.

Scorpio | October 23 – November 21

Since early June you’ve been wrestling with developments that forced you to substantially alter certain longstanding arrangements. While, obviously, this seemed unwise at the time, you had no choice. Since then, you’ve realised that, familiar and, in fact, as reassuring as these may have been, they’ve prevented timely and necessary growth.

Sagittarius | November 22 – December 20

The Sagittarius Full Moon was over two weeks ago, and brought both events and your existing intense feelings about certain pivotal situations to a head. While you resolved some swiftly, only now is the nature of the feelings behind others clear and, therefore, what you need to discuss, change or deal with.

Capricorn | December 21 – January 18

Just when you were sure certain pivotal issues had been discussed and dealt with, they’ve popped up again. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fact the actual circumstances in question are shifting, often and dramatically. Knowing that, ensure any arrangements you make are flexible.

Aquarius | January 19 – February 17

While you understand that, at times, being discreet is essential, those who keep facts to themselves for no apparent reason are seriously irritating. Yet that’s exactly what you’re dealing with. Instead of wondering why they seem to be so secretive, ask. What they have to say is likely to surprise you.

Pisces | February 18 – March 19

Recent disappointments were upsetting yet, bizarrely, reassured you that your instincts about the matters in question were correct. While, on the surface, everything seemed fine you still found yourself worrying but couldn’t say why. Now that those problems are clear, you can deal with them, then relax and enjoy everything else.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 19th, 2017.
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